Hi, I'm Jasmine and this is my A2 Media Studies Coursework Blog, anything found here is my own creative genius...unless stated otherwise. So read and enjoy! :)

Friday 21 October 2011

Weekly Diary 12

Now that my Test Shots have been finished I uploaded them with an explanation of each shot on Wednesday. I then went back to storyboarding, my Digi-pack and any other related work. I also put up a poll on my blog to gather information for my Audience Profile. These questions will help me to find out more about my audience and what they would like to see in my Final Products.

I even used social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr to advertise the polls so as many people as possible would answer them.

Friday 14 October 2011

Weekly Diary 11

Finally, I managed to completely finish off the editing for the Test Shots this Wednesday. I had a bit of a problem as the file wouldn't export but I managed to fix that as well. Here's the end result ----->

(upload video)

Friday 7 October 2011

Weekly Diary 10

I finished filming the Test Shots for my Music Video during our double lesson this week and have started to edit them now. Alot of the shots we took last week weren't good enough so we decided, as a group, to scrap the shots taken last week and take some new ones.Hopefully, I should be finished editing them by our next double lesson.